Importance of Food Handling Gloves In our Kitchen

How many of you use safety gloves while cooking or doing kitchen chores? Many people do use safety gloves for safety. But some people don't. In this blog, we will talk about those people who don't use gloves in the kitchen for their safety and how safety gloves help them keep safe from different kitchen hazards. Unlike other types of gloves, food handling gloves offer better protection. They are typically made with thick material and don't have any metal parts. The best food handling gloves are easy to use, comfortable, and economical.

The use of food handling gloves has become a common requirement of the food prep process in kitchens. Hands must be thoroughly washed and rinsed before donning gloves. Change of gloves is a must between the two tasks to avoid cross-contamination. For example, employees can't make a dish, take the money and then make another dish donning the same service gloves

Food handling gloves can help protect your hands from potential injuries. Unlike other types of gloves, food handling gloves offer a great degree of protection. They are typically made with thick material and don't have any metal parts. The best food handling gloves are easy to use, comfortable, and economical. 

In this blog, we will give you a tour of the top 4 cleaning hacks.


It’s the perfect time of the year to get your summer cleaning done! We’ve put together 4 of our favorite cleaning tips for the season! From light dust & dirt build-up to the nitty gritty, hard-to-remove stains – this article will help give you the guidance and motivation to get it all done! Give your home the attention it needs so you and your family can enjoy a spotless home this summer!


Water, Lemon, Baking Soda, and Salt. That’s all you need to clean your wooden cutting board at home! Firstly, make a thick paste with these ingredients and strenuously scrub all over. Let your sudsy concoction rest for a couple of minutes and rinse with warm water. Dry with a dish towel and enjoy the refreshingly odorless smell of your cutting board.

Cut Resistant Gloves are a great way to protect yourself when cutting with sharp knives.

2- Gnats be gone!

There are two powerful truths about summer. 1. Fruit is delicious, and 2. gnats are ANNOYING! These little pests will quickly find their way to your unsealed food or even worse! They will invade your sugary, sticky-sweet fruit bowl or leave out vegetables. Gnats can be a headache to get rid of once they sneak into your home and start to swarm affected areas. The answer to your nightmare is right here. Take these steps below and watch them vanish before your eyes within a couple of days. What you will need is Vinegar, Dish Soap, Sugar, a 1-liter Soda Bottle, Tape & Scissors!

  1. Cut your 1-liter soda bottle 1/3 down from the top
  2. Fill bottom part of bottle with mixture (make sure it’s sudsy)
  3. Flip top half upside down like a funnel and tape secure
  4. Let sit for a couple of days and you’ll find them stuck in the suds


3- Time to Clean the Grill Gate!

Yep, it's that time! Time to clean the gunk that’s collected over the last few times you have barbecued. This can take up a long time and unwanted frustration – but don’t worry! There is a soaking method that will do all of the work for you!

You will need a Bucket, a Trash Bag, Warm Water, Dish Soap, Baking Soda, a Rubber Band, Disposable Gloves, and Steel Wool Scrub.

  1. First, glove up and fill a bucket with warm water. Transfer it to a trash bag and add a quarter of a cup of sudsy dish soap.
  2. Add in one cup of baking soda and mix into your bag of solution.
  3. Drop your grill gate in the trash bag and tie it up with a rubber band. Make sure the grill is evenly submerged in your solution.
  4. Leave for one hour.
  5. Lastly, scrub the gate with steel wool or whatever works best for your preference.

 4- Baseboard Build Up

Are your baseboards in need of some serious attention? If you have white or light-colored baseboards, you probably know how easy it is for dirt and dust to build up over time. And if you have a dark-colored pet, do you really know what we’re talking about? Spend a little time each month of summer to care for and effectively treat your baseboards with this quick and simple trick. You will need 1 cup of hot water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 3 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil, and 1 Spray Bottle.

Simply mix these ingredients into your spray bottle and spray over your baseboards. Use a non-scratch sponge and gently scrub away those dirty old spots and stains. Wipe them down with the other side of your sponge and your baseboards should be looking much whiter with a lemony fresh scent! Repeat every month or two to keep up maintenance. Use our Knit Cotton Work Gloves to keep your hands clean and safe.